好歌分享-五月天 乾杯

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會不會 有一天 時間真的能倒退
退回 你的我的 回不去的 悠悠的歲月

也許會 有一天 世界真的有終點
也要和你舉起回憶釀的甜 和你再乾一杯

如果說 要我選出 代表青春 那個畫面
浮現了 那滴眼淚 那片藍天 那年畢業
那一張 邊哭邊笑 還要擁抱 是你的臉
想起來 可愛可憐 可歌可泣 可是多懷念

懷念總是 突然懷念 不談條件
當回憶 衝破考卷 衝出歲月 在我眼前
我和你 留著汗水 喝著汽水 在操場邊
說好了 無論如何 一起走到 未來的世界

現在就是 那個未來 那個世界
為什麼 你的身邊 我的身邊 不是同一邊

友情曾像 諾亞方舟 堅強誓言
只是我 望著海面 等著永遠 模糊了視線

會不會 有一天 時間真的能倒退
退回 你的我的 回不去的 悠悠的歲月

也許會 有一天 世界真的有終點
也要和你舉起回憶釀的甜 和你再乾一杯

這些年 買了四輪 買了手錶 買了單眼
卻發現 追不到的 停不了的 還是那些
人生是 只有認命 只能宿命 只好宿醉
只剩下 高的笑點 低的哭點 卻沒成熟點

成熟就是 幻想幻滅 一場磨練
為什麼 只有夢想 越磨越小 小到不見
有時候 好想流淚 好想流淚 卻沒眼淚
期待會 你會不會 他會不會 開個同學會

他在等你 你在等我 我在等誰
又是誰 孩子沒睡 電話沒電 心情沒準備

天空不斷 黑了又亮 亮了又黑
那光陰 滄海桑田 遠走高飛 再沒力氣追

會不會 有一天 時間真的能倒退
退回 你的我的 回不去的 悠悠的歲月
也許會 有一天 世界真的有終點
也要和你舉起回憶釀的甜 和你再乾一杯

會不會 有一天 時間真的能倒退
退回 你的我的 回不去的 悠悠的歲月
也許會 有一天 世界真的有終點
也要和你舉起回憶釀的甜 和你再乾一杯

終究會 有一天 我們都變成昨天
是你 陪我走過 一生一回 匆匆的人間

有一天 就是今天 今天就是有一天
說出一直沒說 對你的感謝 和你再乾一杯
再乾一杯永遠 喝了就能萬歲 歲歲和年年

時間都停了 他們都回來了懷念的人啊 等你的來到~~~

好歌分享-魏如昀 聽見下雨的聲音

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竹籬上 停留著 蜻蜓
玻璃瓶裡插滿 小小 森林
青春 嫩綠的很 鮮明

百葉窗 折射的 光影
像有著心事的 一張 表情
而你 低頭拆信 想知道關於我的事情

青苔入鏡 簷下風鈴 搖晃曾經
回憶是 一行行無從 剪接的風景 愛始終年輕

而我聽見 下雨的聲音
想起你用唇語 說愛情
幸福也可以 很安靜
我付出一直 很小心

終於聽見 下雨的聲音
於是我的世界 被吵醒
就怕情緒紅 了眼睛
不捨得淚在 彼此的 臉上透明
愛在過境 緣分不停 誰在擔心
窗台上 滴落的雨滴 輕敲著傷心 淒美而動聽

而我聽見 下雨的聲音
想起你用唇語 說愛情
熱戀的時刻 最任性
不顧一切的 給約定

終於聽見 下雨的聲音
於是我的世界 被吵醒
發現你始終 很靠近
默默的陪在 我身邊 態度堅定

好歌分享-叮噹 手掌心

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一乾而盡 愛恨嗔癡的幻影
我敬你 一杯一乾二淨的黎明
我在南極 憧憬你的北極星
我等你 不信心心不相印

你是天意 你是達達的馬蹄
滾滾了我的紅塵 苦苦追尋冰天雪地

一寸光陰一寸心 一朵曇花一朵雲
一朵雪花一朵夢境 一一捧在手掌心
一顆塵埃一菩提 一顆流星一個你

七世夫妻 只是神話的魔鏡
第七夕 只能再等一世紀
你是天地 你是風雨你是晴
你是溫柔的叛逆 逆轉我的一年四季

一寸光陰一寸心 一朵曇花一朵雲
一朵雪花一朵夢境 一一捧在手掌心
一顆塵埃一菩提 一顆流星一個你

偏偏我越抱越緊 偏偏我越愛越貪心
偏偏要愛到萬箭穿了心 才死心

左手掌握著空心 右手掌握著癡心
十指緊扣一本心經 刻骨銘心著苦心
可不可以不甘心 可不可以不認命
如果可以 拿我換給你

好歌分享-家家 填空

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很莫名 對自己懷疑

掙扎了 選擇了 然後歸零

可不可以 交出自己全放棄
可不可以 別再要多清醒
再填空 還比較容易

我可以了 關於沒過去
也可以了 生命再 變成 填空題
再填空 我會填上自己(重複一次)

可不可以 交出自己全放棄
可不可以 別再要多清醒
再填空 還比較容易

我可以了 關於沒過去
也可以了 生命再 變成 填空題
再填空 答案是 我自己

好歌分享-家家 命運

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能不能矇上眼睛 就可以不傷心
能不能脫下面具 還可以很狠心
如果不是遇見你 我不可能相信
生命有一種一定 一定要愛下去

愛可以相知相許 相依為命
愛可以心有靈犀 動魄驚心
卻難以抗拒 流星的宿命

我屬於 你的註定
不屬於 我的命運
不要命 不要清醒

愛寫出 我的詩經
算不出 我的命運
你給我的命 下一輩子 再還你

如果能如影隨形 誰願意一意孤行
如果能變成螞蟻 我願意趨近於零
冥冥中明明是你 明明還不死心
生命是一個謎語 因為你而懸疑

最初的一心一意 深信不疑 不能沒有你
最後的情非得已 身不由己
當物換星移 今夕是何夕

我屬於 你的註定
不屬於 我的命運
不要命 不要清醒

愛寫出 我的詩經
算不出 我的命運
你給我的命 下一輩子 再還你

我屬於 你的註定
不屬於 我的命運
不要命 不離不棄

愛寫出 我的詩經
算不出 我的命運
你借我的命 還給天地 還給你

好歌分享-林俊傑 因你而在

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我為你心跳 我為你祈禱
因為你開始燃燒 痛才慢慢治療
我要和你擁抱 牽你的手一起去奔跑
你存在的這一秒 會不會是我依靠

給我的微笑 全都記在腦海了
節奏在跳躍 這是戀愛的預兆
天亮才睡覺 讓我思緒都顛倒
防備全關掉 只許你無理取鬧

我為你心跳 我為你祈禱
因為你開始燃燒 痛才慢慢治療
我要和你擁抱 牽你的手一起去奔跑
你存在的這一秒 會不會是我依靠

給我的微笑 全都記在腦海了
節奏在跳躍 這是戀愛的預兆
天亮才睡覺 讓我思緒都顛倒
防備全關掉 只許你無理取鬧

一天一天為你開竅 一秒一秒想你的微笑

我為你心跳 我為你祈禱
因為你開始燃燒 痛才慢慢治療
我要和你擁抱 牽你的手一起去奔跑
你存在的這一秒 會不會是我依靠

Baby you're my one and only yeah~you and me~~~

好歌分享-林俊傑 修煉愛情

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憑什麼要失望 藏眼淚到心臟

修煉愛情的心酸 學會放好以前的渴望
我們那些信仰 要忘記多難
遠距離的欣賞 近距離的迷惘
別人有的愛 我們不可能模仿

修煉愛情的悲歡 我們這些努力不簡單
快樂煉成淚水 是一種勇敢
幾年前的幻想 幾年後的原諒
別講想念我 我會受不了這樣

記憶它真囂張 路燈把痛點亮

修煉愛情的心酸 學會放好以前的渴望
我們那些信仰 要忘記多難
遠距離的欣賞 近距離的迷惘
別人有的愛 我們不可能模仿

修煉愛情的悲歡 我們這些努力不簡單
快樂煉成淚水 是一種勇敢
幾年前的幻想 幾年後的原諒
別講想念我 我會受不了這樣 OH~~~~~

忘不了那個人就投降 OH~~~

修煉愛情的悲歡 我們這些努力不簡單
快樂煉成淚水 是一種勇敢 OH~~
幾年前的幻想 幾年後的原諒
別講想念我 我會受不了這樣

幾年前的幻想 幾年後的原諒
別講想念我 我會受不了這樣

好歌分享-五月天 盛夏光年

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我驕傲的破壞 我痛恨的平凡 才想起那些是我最愛
讓盛夏去貪玩 把殘酷的未來 狂放到光年外 而現在

放棄規則 放縱去愛 放肆自己 放空未來
我不轉彎 我不轉彎 我不轉彎 我不轉彎

讓定律更簡單 讓秩序更混亂 這樣的青春我才喜歡
讓盛夏去貪玩 把殘酷的未來 狂放到光年外 而現在

放棄規則 放縱去愛 放肆自己 放空未來
我不轉彎 我不轉彎 我不轉彎 我不轉彎

我要 我瘋 我要 我愛 就是 我要 我瘋 我要 我愛 現在
一萬首的mp3 一萬次瘋狂的愛 滅不了一個渺小的孤單

我要 我瘋 我要 我愛 就是 我要 我瘋 我要 我愛 現在
盛夏的一場狂歡 來到了光年之外 長大難道是人必經的潰爛

放棄規則 放縱去愛 放肆自己 放空未來
我不轉彎 我不轉彎 我不轉彎 我不轉彎

好歌分享-Maroon 5 Payphone

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I'm at a payphone trying to call home
All of my change I spent on you
Where have the times gone, baby it's all wrong
寶貝 時光飛逝,幸福變調了
Where are the plans we made for two?

Yeah, I, I know it's hard to remember,
The people we used to be...
It's even harder to picture,
That you're not here next to me.

You say it's too late to make it,
But is it too late to try?
And in our time that you wasted
All of our bridges burned down

I've wasted my nights,
You turned out the lights
Now I'm paralyzed,
Still stuck in that time,
When we called it love,
But even the sun sets in paradise

I'm at a payphone trying to call home
All of my change I spent on you
Where have the times gone, baby it's all wrong
寶貝 時光飛逝,幸福變調了
Where are the plans we made for two?

If happy ever after did exist,
I would still be holding you like this
All those fairy tales are full of shit
One more stupid love song, I'll be sick

Oh, you turned your back on tomorrow
'Cause you forgot yesterday.
I gave you my love to borrow,
But you just gave it away.

You can't expect me to be fine,
I don't expect you to care
I know I've said it before,
But all of our bridges burned down

I've wasted my nights,
You turned out the lights
Now I'm paralyzed,
Still stuck in that time,
When we called it love,
But even the sun sets in paradise

I'm at a payphone trying to call home
All of my change I spent on you
Where have the times gone, baby it's all wrong
寶貝 時光飛逝,幸福變調了
Where are the plans we made for two?

If happy ever after did exist,
I would still be holding you like this
All those fairy tales are full of shit
One more stupid love song, I'll be sick

Now I'm at a payphone

[Wiz Khalifa]
Man, fuxx that shit
I'll be out spending all this money
While you're sitting round wondering
Why it wasn't you who came up from nothing,
Made it from the bottom
Now when you see me I'm stunning,
And all of my cars start with a push of a button

Telling me the chances I blew up Or whatever you call it,
告訴我過去搞砸的機會 隨便妳要叫它什麼
Switch the number to my phone
So you never could call it,
Don't need my name on my show,
You can tell it I'm ballin.

Swish, what a shame could have got picked
Had a really good game but you missed your last shot
So you talk about who you see at the top
Or what you could have saw but sad to say it's over for.
Phantom pulled up valet open doors
Wiz like go away, got what you was looking for
去吧 得到妳想要的
Now it's me who they want, so you can go and take
that little piece of shit with you.

I'm at a payphone trying to call home
All of my change I spent on you
Where have the times gone, baby it's all wrong
寶貝 時光飛逝,幸福變調了
Where are the plans we made for two?

If happy ever after did exist,
I would still be holding you like this
All these fairy tales are full of shit
One more stupid love song, I'll be sick

Now I'm at a payphone...

好歌分享-Cher Lloyd Want U Back

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Hey, boy you never had much game
So I needed to upgrade
So I went and walked away way way
Now, I see you've been hanging out
With that other girl in town
Looking like a pair of clowns clowns clowns

Remember all the things that you and I did first?
And now you're doing them with her
Remember all the things that you and I did first?
You got me, got me like this
And now you're taking her to every restaurant
And everywhere we went, come on!
And now you're taking her to every restaurant
You got me, got me like this

Boy you can say anything you want
I don't give a shh, no one else can have ya
I want you back I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back
I broke it off thinking you'd be cryin'
Now I feel like shh looking at you flyin'
I want you back I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back

Please, this ain't even jealousy
She ain't got a thing on me
Tryin' to rock them ugly jeans jeans jeans
You clearly didn't think this through
If what I've been told is true
You'll be crawling back like boo hoo hoo

Remember all the things that you and I did first?
And now you're doing them with her
Remember all the things that you and I did first?
You got me, got me like this
And now you're taking her to every restaurant
And everywhere we went, come on!
And now you're taking her to every restaurant
You got me, got me like this

Boy you can say anything you want
I don't give a shh, no one else can have ya
I want you back I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back
I broke it off thinking you'd be cryin'
Now I feel like shh looking at you flyin'
I want you back I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back

Ohhh, I thought you'd still be mine
When I kissed you goodbye uh oh uh oh
Ohhh, and you might be with her
But I still had you first uh oh uh oh

Remember all the things that you and I did first?
And now you're doing them with her
Remember all the things that you and I did first?
You got me, got me like this

Boy you can say anything you want
I don't give a shh, no one else can have ya
I want you back I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back
I broke it off thinking you'd be cryin'
Now I feel like shh looking at you flyin'
I want you back I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back

Ohhh, I want you back I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back

Ohhh, I want you back I want you back
Wa-want you, want you backHey, boy you never had much game
So I needed to upgrade
So I went and walked away way way
Now, I see you've been hanging out
With that other girl in town
Looking like a pair of clowns clowns clowns

Remember all the things that you and I did first?
And now you're doing them with her
Remember all the things that you and I did first?
You got me, got me like this
And now you're taking her to every restaurant
And everywhere we went, come on!
And now you're taking her to every restaurant
You got me, got me like this

Boy you can say anything you want
I don't give a shh, no one else can have ya
I want you back I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back
I broke it off thinking you'd be cryin'
Now I feel like shh looking at you flyin'
I want you back I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back

Please, this ain't even jealousy
She ain't got a thing on me
Tryin' to rock them ugly jeans jeans jeans
You clearly didn't think this through
If what I've been told is true
You'll be crawling back like boo hoo hoo

Remember all the things that you and I did first?
And now you're doing them with her
Remember all the things that you and I did first?
You got me, got me like this
And now you're taking her to every restaurant
And everywhere we went, come on!
And now you're taking her to every restaurant
You got me, got me like this

Boy you can say anything you want
I don't give a shh, no one else can have ya
I want you back I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back
I broke it off thinking you'd be cryin'
Now I feel like shh looking at you flyin'
I want you back I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back

Ohhh, I thought you'd still be mine
When I kissed you goodbye uh oh uh oh
Ohhh, and you might be with her
But I still had you first uh oh uh oh

Remember all the things that you and I did first?
And now you're doing them with her
Remember all the things that you and I did first?
You got me, got me like this

Boy you can say anything you want
I don't give a shh, no one else can have ya
I want you back I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back
I broke it off thinking you'd be cryin'
Now I feel like shh looking at you flyin'
I want you back I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back

Ohhh, I want you back I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back

Ohhh, I want you back I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back

好歌分享-Ed Sheeran Thinking Out

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When your legs don't work like they used to before
And I can't sweep you off of your feet
Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love
Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks
And darling I will be loving you till you're 70
And baby my heart could still fall as hard at 23
And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
maybe just the touch of the hand
Or me I fall in love with you every single day
And I just wanna tell you right now…
So honey now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
And I'm thinking out loud
That maybe we found love right where we are

When my head's overgone and my memory fades
And the crowds still remember my name
When my hands don't play the strings the same way
I know you will still love me the same
Cause honey your soul can never grow old
It's ever green
Baby your smile forever in my mind in memory
And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe just the touch of a hand
Or I'll continue making the same mistakes
Hoping that you'll understand
That baby now

Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
And I'm thinking out loud
That maybe we found love right where we are

So baby now

Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Oh darling, place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
That maybe we found love right where we are
That maybe we found love right where we are
And we found love right where we are



好歌分享-Sam Smith Stay With Me

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Guess it's true,
I'm not good at a one night stand
But I still need love 'cause I'm just man
These nights never seem to go to plan
I don't want you to leave,
Will you hold my HAND?
Oh, won't you STAY WITH ME
'Cause you're all I NEED
This ain't LOVE, it's clear to see
But darling, STAY WITH ME
Why am I so emotional?!
No it's not a good look, gain some self control
Deep down I know this never works
But you could lay with me,
So it doesn't HURT
Oh, won't you STAY WITH ME
'Cause you're all I NEED
This ain't LOVE, it's clear to see
But darling, STAY WITH ME
Oooh oh ooh oooh ooooh oh

Oooh oh ooh oooh ooooh oh

Oh, won't you STAY WITH ME
'Cause you're all I NEED
This ain't LOVE, it's clear to see
But darling, STAY WITH ME
Oh, won't you STAY WITH ME
'Cause you're all I NEED
This ain't LOVE, it's clear to see
But darling, STAY WITH ME
But darling, STAY WITH ME
But darling, STAY WITH ME

好歌分享-Taylor Swift Style

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You come and pick me up, no headlights
Long drive,
Could end in burning flames or paradise
Fade into view, oh, it's been a while since I have even heard from you (heard from you)

I should just tell you to leave 'cause I
Know exactly where it leads but I
Watch us go 'round and 'round each time

You got that James Dean daydream look in your eye
And I got that red lip classic thing that you like
And when we go crashing down, we come back every time
'Cause we never go out of style
We never go out of style

You got that long hair, slicked back, white t-shirt
And I got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt
And when we go crashing down, we come back every time
'Cause we never go out of style
We never go out of style.

So it goes
He can't keep his wild eyes on the road
Takes me home
Lights are off, he's taking off his coat
I say, 'I heard, oh, that you've been out and about with some other girl, some other girl.'

He says, 'What you've heard is true but I
Can't stop thinking about you,' and I...
I said, 'I've been there too a few times.'

'Cause you got that James Dean daydream look in your eye
And I got that red lip classic thing that you like
And when we go crashing down, we come back every time
'Cause we never go out of style
We never go out of style

You got that long hair, slicked back, white t-shirt
And I got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt
And when we go crashing down, we come back every time
'Cause we never go out of style
We never go out of style

Take me home
Just take me home, yeah.
Just take me home
(out of style)

You got that James Dean daydream look in your eye
And I got that red lip classic thing that you like
And when we go crashing down, we come back every time
'Cause we never go out of style
We never go out of style


好歌分享-Fun Feat Janelle MonáE We Are Young

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Girl give me a second I,

I need to get my story straight
My friends are in the bathroom getting higher than the Empire State
My lover she's waiting for me just across the bar
My seat's been taken by some sunglasses asking bout a scar, and
I know I gave it to you months ago
I know you're trying to forget
But between the drinks and subtle things
The holes in my apologies, you know
I'm trying hard to take it back
So if by the time the bar closes
And you feel like falling down
I'll carry you home

We are young
So let's set the world on fire
We can burn brighter than the sun

We are young
So let's set the world on fire
We can burn brighter than the sun

Now I know that I'm not
All that you got
I guess that I, I just thought
Maybe we could find new ways to fall apart
But our friends are back
So let's raise a toast
‘Cause I found someone to carry me home

We are young
So let's set the world on fire
We can burn brighter than the sun

We are young
So let's set the world on fire
We can burn brighter than the sun

Carry me home tonight (Nananananana)
Just carry me home tonight (Nananananana)
Carry me home tonight (Nananananana)
Just carry me home tonight (Nananananana)

The moon is on my side
I have no reason to run
So will someone come and carry me home tonight
The angels never arrived
But I can hear the choir
So will someone come and carry me home

We are young
So let's set the world on fire
We can burn brighter than the sun

We are young
So let's set the world on fire
We can burn brighter than the sun

So if by the time the bar closes
And you feel like falling down
I'll carry you home tonight

好歌分享-Carly Rae Jepsen Call Me Maybe

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I threw a wish in the well,
Don't ask me, I'll never tell
I looked to you as it fell,
And now you're in my way

I'd trade my soul for a wish,
Pennies and dimes for a kiss
I wasn't looking for this,
But now you're in my way

Your stare was holdin',
Ripped jeans, skin was showin'
Hot night, wind was blowin'
Where you think you're going, baby?

Hey, I just met you,
And this is crazy,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?

It's hard to look right,
At you baby,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?

Hey, I just met you,
And this is crazy,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?

And all the other boys,
Try to chase me,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?

You took your time with the call,
I took no time with the fall
You gave me nothing at all,
But still, you're in my way

I beg, and borrow and steal
Have foresight and it's real
I didn't know I would feel it,
But it's in my way

Your stare was holdin',
Ripped jeans, skin was showin'
Hot night, wind was blowin'
Where you think you're going, baby?

Hey, I just met you,
And this is crazy,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?

It's hard to look right,
At you baby,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?

Hey, I just met you,
And this is crazy,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?

And all the other boys,
Try to chase me,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?

Before you came into my life
I missed you so bad
I missed you so bad
I missed you so, so bad

Before you came into my life
I missed you so bad
And you should know that
I missed you so, so bad

It's hard to look right,
At you baby,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?

Hey, I just met you,
And this is crazy,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?

And all the other boys,
Try to chase me,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?

Before you came into my life
I missed you so bad
I missed you so bad
I missed you so, so bad

Before you came into my life
I missed you so bad
And you should know that

So call me, maybe?

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